Price Type Description
Market price: Based on the collection principles of price assessment methodology, SCI obtains the most possible transaction prices reflecting the active trading after removing the extreme prices and the prices that collide with the mainstream market trend.
The prices can reflect the offers, inquiries, tender prices or transactions timely during the price assessment period. After the period, referring to transactions and trading intention, SCI assesses the most possible transaction prices or price ranges.
Ex-works price: Producers will publish the ex-works price (ex-factory price, posted price, ex-pigsty price, purchasing price, etc.) of some commodities as the public selling/purchasing price, but they sometimes adjust the actual dealing price according to its situation. In case of lacking market transactions and market liquidity, ex-works price may be an important basis for negotiation between the two parties. Ex-works price is the objective reflection of the subjective will of producers. Insisting on the independent position, SCI objectively collects and reports prices from producers.
SCI generally updates the ex-works prices within 24 hours on working days. However, the update time and frequency of ex-works price and posted price are determined by the producers themselves, and the diversity and complexity of different markets also influence the update. Thus, SCI does not guarantee that the update time and content (such as whether including all the grades, etc.) in SCI’s related services (insights, etc.) are completely consistent with the information published by producers. SCI will verify the information as soon as possible. There may be some delay, yet SCI will try to keep pace with the updates issued by producers.
Differences and Interconnections