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2023-2024 China Styrene Market Annual Report

Annual Report Overview


In 2023, China’s styrene capacity continued to maintain a high-speed expansion rate, with 2.9 million mt/a of new units put into service from January to August. A total of 3.7 million mt/a of styrene capacity is anticipated to enter production this year, representing a Y-O-Y growth rate of 21.25%. The styrene market officially entered a surplus state in 2023. As styrene downstream capacity expanded quickly during the year and downstream competition pressure increased dramatically, downstream sector profitability was compressed. However, due to a rather tight supply of benzene as a result of restricted additional capacity, the price spread between styrene and benzene gradually shrank in 2023.

In 2023, the styrene market witnessed a V-shaped trend along with a distinct unilateral trend, which led to increased difficulty in grasping the market. Styrene prices dropped significantly in the second quarter, mostly as a result of the drop in feedstock prices. The tense supply of styrene, however, resulted in a lesser price fall than that in benzene. The third quarter saw prices continue to grow as a result of some favorable variables, including improved macroeconomic conditions, rising feedstock prices, and a slower-than-anticipated increase in supply.

Can styrene prices stay high in the fourth quarter? When will there be a rise in supply? When will the feedstock market start to weaken? Which industry has greater benefits in development given the concentrated increase of the industrial chain capacity? How will the value and industrial chains change? How do upstream and downstream industrial chains interact, and what are the underlying reasons behind these shifts? What effects will the listing of benzene futures have on the supply chain for the industrial chain? SCI uses data to inform you about market changes and trends and to offer you professional solutions, drawing on nearly 20 years of industry chain data and industry knowledge. SCI 2023 Styrene Market Annual Report can assist styrene producers in extending and optimizing the industrial chain through the supply and demand analysis of the entire industrial chain, help traders discover cross-product and cross-regional arbitrage opportunities through the analysis of price, supply and demand, and price difference, and help styrene terminal businesses optimize purchasing plans by combing regional supply and demand relationships.

Report value

1. Gain a deeper grasp of styrene supply and demand fundamentals through regional supply and demand balance analysis on a worldwide basis. 

2. Delve into changes in the market’s supply and demand pattern based on five years’ worth of reliable supply data, and look for potential development tendencies.

3. Dig deeply into the changes in 2023, look forward to 2024 in detail, and identify future opportunities in the Chinese market.

4. Fully analyze the linkage and price difference changes of upstream and downstream products, and explore cost transmission and industry operation status.


Part 1 Styrene Market Overview

Part 2 2019-2023 China Styrene Supply-Demand Balance

2.1 2019-2023 Supply-Demand Balance Trend

2.2 2019-2023 Regional Supply-Demand Balance Trend

2.3 2023 Supply-Demand Balance Characteristics and Price Relation

Part 3 Part 3 Styrene Supply Pattern and Variation Trend

3.1 2023 Global Styrene Capacity

3.1.1 Global Styrene Capacity by Region

3.1.2 Global Styrene Trade Flow

3.2 2019-2023 China Styrene Capacity Variation

3.2.1 China Styrene Capacity Development Styrene Capacity Development Trend Styrene Capacity Concentration Ratio Styrene Existing Capacity Process Structure Characteristics 2023 Existing Styrene Capacity Process

3.2.2 China Styrene Capacity Layout Styrene Capacity by Region Styrene Capacity in Coastal Area

3.2.3 2023 China Styrene Trade Flow China Styrene Major Production Area and Output China Styrene Major Sales Area and Demand China Styrene Trade Flow Characteristics and Influence

3.2.4 2024-2028 China Styrene Newly Added Capacity 2024-2028 China Styrene Capacity Forecast 2024-2028 China Proposed New Styrene Capacity

3.3 2019-2023 China Styrene Output Variation

3.3.1 2019-2023 China Styrene Output China Styrene Annual Output Trend and Capacity Utilization Rate China Styrene Annual Output Variation by Region

3.3.2 2023 China Styrene Production Characteristics and Reason 2023 China Styrene Monthly Output Variation Characteristics and Influence 2023 Styrene Production High-Frequency Data Characteristics

3.4 2019-2023 China Styrene Import Market Variation

3.4.1 2019-2023 China Styrene Import Data China Styrene Import Volume Trend China Styrene Import Pattern by Trade Partner China Styrene Import Pattern by Receipt Place and Trade Mode

3.4.2 2023 China Styrene Import Volume Variation Monthly Import Volume and Characteristics 2023 Import Influence on China’s Total Supply

3.5 2023 China Styrene Inventory Variation

3.5.1 Styrene Total Inventory Variation and Trend Inventory at Major Ports Finished Inventory at Producers Downstream Enterprise Finished Inventory Index

3.5.2 Inventory Variation and Price Relation Characteristics Inventory Variation and Supply-Demand Relation Inventory Variation and Price Relation

3.6 Styrene Warehousing and Logistics Situation

3.6.1 Styrene Warehousing and Logistics Condition and Policy

3.6.2 Warehousing Cost and Logistics Cost

3.6.3 Warehousing and Logistics Variation Influence on Prices

3.7 2024 China Styrene Supply Pattern Forecast

3.7.1 2024-2028 Styrene Total Supply Forecast

3.7.2 2024 Monthly Supply Forecast and Influence on Prices

Part 4 China Styrene Demand Pattern and Change Analysis

4.1 2019-2023 China Styrene Consumption Variation Trend

4.1.1 China Styrene Annual Consumption and Variation Trend

4.1.2 China Styrene Downstream Industry Consumption Changes and Characteristics PS Industry Operation Analysis ABS Industry Operation Analysis EPS Industry Operation Analysis UPR Industry Operation Analysis SBS Industry Operation Analysis SBL Industry Operation Analysis SBR Industry Operation Analysis

4.1.3 China Styrene Downstream Industries Distribution and Regional Consumption Structure

4.1.4 China Styrene Downstream Industry Customer Size and Demand Variation

4.1.5 China Styrene Major Downstream Industry Customer Size in Major Regions

4.2 2019-2023 China Styrene Export Market

4.2.1 2019-2023 China Styrene Export Data China Styrene Export Volume Trend China Styrene Export Pattern by Trade Partner China Styrene Export Pattern by Destination and Trade Mode

4.2.2 2023 China Styrene Export Volume Variation Monthly Export Volume and Characteristics 2023 Export Influence on China’s Total Demand

4.3 2024-2028 Styrene Demand Growth Forecast

4.3.1 PS Industry Market Size and Demand Forecast

4.3.2 ABS Industry Market Size and Demand Forecast

4.3.3 EPS Industry Market Size and Demand Forecast

4.4 2024-2028 China Styrene Consumption Volume Forecast

4.4.1 China Domestic Consumption Volume and Variation Trend

4.4.2 Styrene Export Volume Variation Trend

4.5 Styrene Consumption Peak and Off Seasons

4.5.1 Styrene Consumption Peak and Off Seasons Characteristics

4.5.2 Styrene Consumption Peak and Off Seasons and Price Correlation

4.6 Downstream Customer Key Purchasing Factors

4.7 Operation Risks and Barriers

Part 5 Styrene Price Trend

5.1 International Styrene Market Price Trend

5.1.1 Styrene Price Trends and Characteristics in Major Regions

5.1.2 China and Overseas Price Spread Characteristics and Influence

5.2 China Styrene Market Price Trend 

5.2.1 Price Variation Characteristics Overall Price Trend Characteristics Price Characteristics in Major Regions

5.2.2 2023 Price Trend Seasonality Characteristics

5.3 Futures Price Trend and Impact on Spot Market

5.4 Related Product Price Co-Movement

5.4.1 Styrene and Major Feedstock Price Correlation

5.4.2 Styrene and Major Downstream Price Correlation

5.4.3 Styrene and Related Product Price Correlation

5.5 Styrene Production Cost and Profit

5.5.1 Styrene Cost Structure and Characteristics Styrene Cost Structure and Variation Styrene Cost by Different Production Processes

5.5.2 Styrene Profit Variation and Influence Styrene Profit Trend and Characteristics Profit Variation Influence on Styrene Production

Part 6 Styrene Industry Outlook

6.1 2024-2026 Styrene Price Trend Forecast

6.2 Styrene Market Drivers Development Forecast

6.2.1 Macro Environment

6.2.2 Industrial Policy

6.2.3 2024-2028 China Styrene Supply-Demand Balance Forecast 2024-2028 Styrene Supply-Demand Balance Trend and Characteristics Forecast 2024 Supply-Demand Balance Forecast

6.2.4 Market Competition Pattern 2024-2028 Global Styrene Trade Flow Forecast 2024-2028 China Styrene Trade Flow Forecast

6.2.5 Value Chain Analysis and Forecast

6.2.6 Related Product Price Co-Movement Forecast

6.3 2024 Major Styrene Price Drivers Influence Extent

Appendix 1 Styrene Industry Highlights

Appendix 2 Styrene Market Annual Events

Appendix 3 Methodology and Related Definition

Appendix 4 Tables and Charts

Appendix 5 Related Product Annual Reports

2023-2024 China Benzene Market Annual Report

2023-2024 China PS Market Annual Report

2023-2024 China ABS Market Annual Report

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