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Annual Report Overview


In 2024, China’s PBR price mainly registered an uptrend. As the transition from traditional fuel vehicles to new energy vehicles in the globe continued in 2024, the exports and the development of China’s OE tire market triggered a rise in China’s output of semi-steel tires. Although the markets of all-steel tire and semi-steel tire trended differently, the demand for OE all-steel tires was fairish. The improved demand bolstered the rise in the PBR price. Besides, from January to August 2024, the feedstock butadiene price climbed beyond expectations, curbing the capacity release at PBR producers. The PBR price trended up supported by multiple favorable factors. From January to August 2024, the PBR price spread between the highest and the lowest points was larger than RMB 4,000/mt, and the average price ramped up by around 20% Y-O-Y.

In 2025, the PBR market will probably witness both challenges and opportunities. With the successive introduction of a series of policies and measures to promote economic recovery, coupled with the spontaneous restoration of the endogenous kinetic energy of the economy, the macro economy is expected to continue to improve marginally, boosting the consumer demand for chemicals and end products, and giving feedback to the PBR market. However, the increment in supply is likely to curb the rise in demand. How will China’s PBR market competition pattern change in the future? With the homogeneous competition in the PBR market getting severe, NdBR and LCBR industries are likely to gain more market attention. All the newly added PBR units in the next five years include NdBR and LCBR capacity. How will the PBR supply pattern change? Will the strong tire exports continue? SCI’s 2024-2025 China PBR Market Annual Report will analyze the PBR industrial pattern and foresee future trends through detailed and comprehensive data analysis. SCI grasps the trend of the industry systematically and conducts a multidimensional analysis of the market based on sufficient data and prediction methodologies accumulated in the past 20 years. This report predicts future opportunities and provides development solutions combined with the more high-frequency data changes of supply and demand and their derivative data, and helps to grasp the market direction, avoid risks and realize benefits in the new market environment.

Report value

1. High-frequency analysis and forecast of supply-demand balance, dynamic analysis of basic price driving logic and predictions of prices.

2. Comprehensive analysis of changes in China’s NdBR and LCBR supply and demand to probe into the market potentials.

3. Interactive data analysis of related products to explore the value flow and the sustainable development of the industrial chain.

4. Research on market trading modes and competition pattern changes under the background of futures listing

5. Comprehensive interpretation of China’s PBR supply and demand pattern combined with multidimensional 10-year supply-demand data.

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Part 1 PBR Market Overview

Part 2 2020-2024 PBR Supply-Demand Balance Analysis

2.1 2020-2024 Supply-Demand Balance Trend Analysis

2.2 2024 Monthly Supply-Demand Characteristic and Price Relation Analysis

Part 3 2020-2024 PBR Supply Pattern and Change Trend Analysis   

3.1 2024 Global PBR Capacity Change Analysis    

3.1.1 Global PBR Capacity Regional Layout

3.1.2 2024 Global PBR Resource Trade Flow Analysis

3.2 2020-2024 China PBR Capacity Change Trend and Reason Analysis

3.2.1 China PBR Capacity Development Trend Analysis PBR Capacity Development Trend Analysis PBR Capacity Concentration Ratio Analysis Existing PBR Capacity

3.2.2 China PBR Capacity Regional Layout Comparison Analysis PBR Regional Capacity Analysis PBR Coastal Capacity Analysis

3.2.3 2024 China PBR Resource Trade Flow Analysis China PBR Major Sales Area, Demand Volume and Source China PBR Major Production Area, Output and Flow Direction China PBR Resources Trade Flow Characteristic and Influence

3.2.4 2025-2029 China Newly Added PBR Capacity 2025-2029 China PBR Capacity Forecast 2025-2029 Newly Added Capacity List

3.3 2020-2024 China PBR Output Change Trend Analysis

3.3.1 2020-2024 China PBR Output Change Analysis China PBR Annual Output Change Trend and Capacity Utilization Rate China PBR Annual Output Change by Region

3.3.2 2024 China PBR Production Characteristic and Reason Analysis 2024 China PBR Monthly Output Change Characteristic and Influence Analysis 2024 China PBR Weekly Operating Rate Analysis

3.4 2020-2024 China PBR Import Analysis

3.4.1 2020-2024 China PBR Import Data Analysis 2020-2024 China PBR Import Trend Analysis 2024 China PBR Import Analysis by Origin 2024 China PBR Import Analysis by Registration Place 2024 China PBR Import Analysis by Trade Mode

3.4.2 2024 China PBR Import Volume Change Analysis Monthly Import Volume and Characteristic Analysis Influence of 2024 PBR Imports on China Total Supply

3.5 2020-2024 China PBR Inventory Change Trend and Analysis

3.5.1 2020-2024 PBR Total Inventory Change and Trend Analysis

3.5.2 2020-2024 PBR Inventory at Sample Enterprise Analysis

3.5.3 PBR Inventory Change and Price Relation Characteristic Analysis Inventory Change Characteristic and Supply-Demand Relation Inventory Change and Price Relation Analysis

3.6 PBR Storage and Logistics Status Analysis

3.7 2025 PBR Supply Forecast

3.7.1 2025-2029 Total Supply Forecast

3.7.2 2025 Monthly Supply Forecast and Influence on Price Forecast

Part 4 PBR Demand Pattern and Change Trend Analysis

4.1 2020-2024 Global PBR Consumption Volume Change Trend Analysis

4.1.1 2020-2024 Global Main PBR Consumers and Consumption Change

4.1.2 2024 PBR Consumption Change New Characteristics and Influence Analysis

4.2 2020-2024 China PBR Consumption Volume Change Trend Analysis

4.2.1 China PBR Annual Consumption Volume and Change Trend 2020-2024 PBR Consumption Volume Change Trend and Analysis 2024 PBR Monthly Consumption Volume Change and Analysis

4.2.2 China PBR Major Downstream Industries Demand Change and Characteristic Analysis

4.2.3 China PBR Major Downstream Industries Layout and Regional Consumption Structure Analysis

4.2.4 China PBR Major Downstream Clients Scale and Demand Change Analysis

4.2.5 China PBR Major Downstream Clients Scale in Key Regions Analysis

4.3 2020-2024 China PBR Export Analysis

4.3.1 2020-2024 China PBR Export Data Analysis 2020-2024 China PBR Export Volume Trend Analysis 2024 China PBR Export Analysis by Destination 2024 China PBR Export Analysis by Registration Place 2024 China PBR Export Analysis by Trade Mode

4.3.2 2024 China PBR Export Volume Change Analysis Monthly Export Volume and Characteristic Analysis Influence of 2024 PBR Export on China Total Demand

4.4 2025-2029 PBR Downstream Demand Forecast

4.4.1 Tire Market Scale Analysis and Demand Forecast

4.4.2 HIPS Market Scale Analysis and Demand Forecast

4.5 2025-2029 PBR Demand Volume Forecast

4.5.1 China Consumption Volume Change Trend Analysis

4.5.2 Export Volume Change Trend Analysis

4.6 PBR Demand Peak and Slack Season Analysis

4.6.1 PBR Demand Peak and Slack Season Characteristic Analysis

4.6.2 PBR Demand Peak and Slack Season from Price Perspective

Part 5 PBR Price Trend Analysis

5.1 2020-2024 Imported PBR Price Trend Characteristic and Spread Analysis

5.2 2020-2024 China PBR Market Price Analysis

5.2.1 Price Change Characteristic Analysis Overall Price Trend Characteristic Analysis Price Characteristic by Region and Arbitrage Analysis

5.2.2 2024 Price Trend Seasonality Analysis

5.3 2023-2024 PBR Futures Price Trend and Influence on Spot Market

5.4 2020-2024 Related Product Price Co-Movement Analysis 

5.4.1 PBR and Butadiene Price Co-Movement Analysis

5.4.2 PBR and SBR Price Co-Movement Analysis

5.4.3 PBR and Natural Rubber Price Co-Movement Analysis

5.5 2020-2024 PBR Cost and Profit Analysis

5.5.1 PBR Cost Structure and Characteristic Analysis PBR Cost Structure and Change Analysis Cost Difference of Various Feedstock Sources Analysis

5.5.2 PBR Profit Change and Influence Analysis PBR Profit Trend and Characteristic Analysis Influence of Profit Change on Enterprise Production

Part 6 PBR Price Trend Analysis

6.1 PBR Industry Competition Pattern Change and Trend Analysis

6.2 Value Chain Analysis and Forecast

6.3 Sample Enterprises Operation Trend Analysis

6.4 Downstream User Procurement Key Influencing Factor Analysis

6.5 PBR Operating Risk and Barrier Analysis

Part 7 PBR Industry Outlook

7.1 2025-2027 PBR Price Trend Forecast

7.2 PBR Market Drivers Analysis and Forecast

7.2.1 Influence of Macro-Environment on PBR Market

7.2.2 Influence of Industrial Policy on PBR Market

7.2.3 2025-2029 China PBR Supply-Demand Balance Forecast 2025-2029 China PBR Supply-Demand Trend and Characteristic Forecast 2025 Monthly Supply-Demand Balance Forecast

7.2.4 2025-2029 PBR Trade Flow Forecast and Influence Analysis 2025-2029 Global PBR Trade Flow Forecast and Influence Analysis 2025-2029 China PBR Trade Flow Forecast and Influence Analysis

7.2.5 Related Products Price Co-Movement Influence Forecast

7.3 Influence Extent Analysis of 2025 Major PBR Price Drivers

Part 8 China NdBR Market Overview and Forecast

8.1 China NdBR Supply Analysis

8.1.1 2020-2024 China NdBR Capacity Change Analysis

8.1.2 2020-2024 China NdBR Output Change Analysis

8.1.3 2020-2024 China NdBR Capacity Utilization Rate Analysis

8.1.4 2025-2029 China NdBR Capacity Forecast

8.2 China NdBR Price Analysis

8.2.1 2020-2024 China NdBR Price Analysis

8.2.2 2020-2024 China NdBR Import Price Analysis

8.2.3 2025 China NdBR Price Forecast

8.3 China NdBR Consumption Analysis

8.3.1 2024 China NdBR Consumption Volume Analysis

8.3.2 2025 China NdBR Consumption Volume Forecast

Part 9 China LCBR Market Overview and Forecast

9.1 China LCBR Supply Analysis

9.1.1 2020-2024 China LCBR Capacity Analysis

9.1.2 2020-2024 China LCBR Output Analysis

9.1.3 2020-2024 China LCBR Capacity Utilization Rate Analysis

9.1.4 2025-2029 China LCBR Capacity Forecast

9.2 China LCBR Price Analysis

9.2.1 2020-2024 Chinese-Made LCBR Price Analysis

9.2.2 2020-2024 China LCBR Import Price Analysis

9.2.3 2024 Chinese-Made LCBR Price Forecast

9.3 China LCBR Consumption Analysis

9.3.1 2024 China LCBR Consumption Volume Analysis

9.3.2 2025 China LCBR Consumption Volume Forecast


Appendix 1 PBR Industry Hotspots

Appendix 2 Marco and Industrial Policies (2024)

Appendix 3 Methodology and Definition

Appendix 4 Tables, Charts and Enterprises

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