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Annual Report Overview


In 2024, the vinyl acetate (VAC) industry continues to expand in China. China’s VAC supply became gradually surplus with capacity expansion, even though VAC imports decreased and exports increased. The VAC price was lower than expected in 2024. In terms of demand, EVA market price faced downside pressure because the imbalance between supply and demand was aggravated, indicating limited support for VAC price from the demand side. Besides, cost is also one of the prominent price drivers of VAC.

What are the reasons for the decline in the price of VAC? What changes have taken place in China’s VAC supply and demand? What new challenges will the VAC market face in 2025 and how to deal with them? SCI has been engaged in commodity market research for 20 years. SCI’s 2024-2025 China VAC Market Annual Report mainly reviews the VAC market in detail based on the original data investigated by SCI, combined with China’s macro policies and industry characteristics. The market analysis involves supply and demand patterns, profit changes, market sentiment variation, etc. along with table and chart. The annual report also represents the VAC market outlook in the future, which will help industry participants grasp the current situation and future trends of the market.

Report value

1. Retrospect of China VAC Market Status in 2024

2. To Analyze 2020-2024 VAC Supply and Demand Patterns in China Through First-Hand Data

3. Changes in VAC Consumption Pattern and Development Highlights of Downstream Industry

4. To Forecast VAC Market Trend in the Future from the Perspective of Macro and Micro Environment


Part 1 VAC Market Overview

Part 2 2020-2024 VAC Supply-Demand Balance Analysis

2.1 2020-2024 VAC Supply-Demand Balance Trend Analysis

2.2 2024 VAC Monthly Supply-Demand Balance Characteristic and Correlation with Price

Part 3 VAC Supply Pattern and Change Trend Analysis

3.1 2024 Global VAC Capacity Analysis

3.1.1 Global VAC Capacity by Region

3.1.2 2024 Global VAC Trade Flow Analysis

3.2 2020-2024 China VAC Capacity Change Analysis

3.2.1 China VAC Capacity Development Trend Analysis China VAC Capacity Development Trend Analysis China VAC Capacity Analysis by Enterprise Nature China VAC Capacity Concentration Rate Analysis China Existing VAC Capacity and Technology Structure Characteristic Analysis China Existing VAC Capacity and Technology

3.2.2 China VAC Capacity Layout Comparison by Region VAC Regional Capacity Layout and Change Analysis China VAC Coastal Capacity Analysis

3.2.3 2024 China VAC Trade Flow Analysis China Main VAC Sales Regions, Demand Volume and Resource Origin China Main VAC Production Regions, Output and Resource Destination China VAC Trade Flow Characteristics and Influences

3.2.4 2025-2029 China Newly Added VAC Capacity 2025-2029 China VAC Capacity Forecast 2025-2029 Newly Added VAC Capacity Research

3.3 2020-2024 China VAC Output Change Analysis

3.3.1 2020-2024 China VAC Output China VAC Annual Output and Utilization Rate Change China VAC Annual Output Change by Region China VAC Annual Output by Production Process

3.3.2 2024 China VAC Production Characteristics and Causes

3.4 2020-2024 China VAC Import Market Analysis

3.4.1 2020-2024 China VAC Import Data Analysis China VAC Import Volume Trend Analysis China VAC Import Structure Analysis by Trade Partner China VAC Import Structure Analysis by Receipt Place

3.4.2 2024 China Import Volume Change Analysis VAC Monthly Import Volume and Characteristic Analysis 2024 Influences of VAC Import on China Overall Supply

3.5 2024 China VAC Inventory Change Analysis

3.5.1 Total VAC Inventory Change and Trend Analysis

3.5.2 VAC Inventory and Price Correlation Characteristic Analysis VAC Inventory Change Characteristic and Supply and Demand Patterns Inventory and Price Correlation Analysis

3.6 VAC Storage and Logistics Status Analysis

3.6.1 VAC Storage and Logistics Condition Analysis

3.6.2 VAC Logistics Cost Analysis

3.6.3 VAC Storage and Logistics Change and Influence on Price

3.7 2024 China VAC Market Supply Forecast

3.7.1 2025-2029 Overall VAC Supply Forecast

3.7.2 2025 VAC Monthly Supply Forecast and Influence on Price

Part 4 VAC Demand Pattern and Change Trend Analysis

4.1 2020-2024 International VAC Consumption Volume Change Trend Analysis

4.2 2020-2024 China VAC Consumption Volume Change Trend Analysis

4.2.1 China Annual VAC Consumption Volume and Change Trend 2020-2024 VAC Consumption Volume and Change Trend 2024 VAC Monthly Consumption Volume and Change Trend

4.2.2 China Main VAC Downstream Consumption Volume Change and Characteristics Analysis 2024 PVA Capacity and Output Change Analysis 2024 EVA Output Change Analysis 2024 VAE Emulsion Output Change Analysis 2024 Acrylic Fibers Output Change Analysis 2024 VAC Copolymerized Emulsion/Homopolymeric Emulsion (Expect for VAE Emulsion) Output Change Analysis

4.2.3 China Main VAC Downstream Industry Layout and Regional Consumption Structure Analysis

4.2.4 China VAC Downstream Customer Scale and Demand Change Analysis

4.2.5 China VAC Downstream Customer Scale Analysis in Main Regions

4.3 2020-2024 China VAC Export Market Analysis

4.3.1 2020-2024 China VAC Export Data Analysis China VAC Export Volume Trend Analysis 2024 China VAC Export Structure Analysis by Trading Partner 2024 China VAC Export Structure Analysis by Delivery Place

4.3.2 2024 China VAC Export Volume Change Analysis VAC Monthly Export Volume and Characteristic Analysis 2024 Influence of VAC Export on China Overall Demand

4.4 2025-2029 China VAC Downstream Industry Demand Growth Forecast

4.4.1 PVA Market Scale Analysis and Demand Forecast

4.4.2 EVA Market Scale Analysis and Demand Forecast

4.4.3 VAE Emulsion Market Scale Analysis and Demand Forecast

4.4.4 Acrylic Fibers Market Scale Analysis and Demand Forecast

4.5 2025-2029 China VAC Consumption Volume Forecast

4.5.1 China VAC Consumption Volume Change Trend Analysis

4.5.2 China VAC Export Volume Change Trend Analysis

4.6 China VAC Demand Slack and Peak Season Analysis

4.6.1 VAC Demand Slack and Peak Seasons Characteristic Analysis

4.6.2 VAC Demand Slack and Peak Seasons Analysis from Price Perspective

Part 5 VAC Price Trend Analysis

5.1 International VAC Market Price Analysis

5.1.1 VAC Price Change Characteristic in Major Regions

5.1.2 Global and China VAC Price Spread Characteristic and Influence

5.2 China VAC Market Price Analysis

5.2.1 VAC Price Change Characteristic Overall VAC Price Characteristic Analysis VAC Price Characteristic and Arbitrage in Main Regions

5.2.2 2024 VAC Price Trend Seasonal Characteristic Analysis

5.3 VAC and Related Product Price Co-Movement Analysis

5.3.1 VAC and Main Feedstock Price Co-Movement Analysis

5.3.2 VAC and Main Downstream Products Price Co-Movement Analysis

5.4 China VAC Production Cost and Profit Analysis

5.4.1 VAC Production Cost Structure and Characteristic Analysis VAC Production Cost Structure and Change Analysis VAC Production Cost Comparative Analysis by Different Processes

5.4.2 VAC Production Profit Change and Influence Analysis VAC Production Profit Trend and Characteristic Analysis Influence of VAC Production Profit Change on Enterprise Production

Part 6 VAC Industry Competition Pattern and Operator Conduct Change Analysis

6.1 VAC Industry Competition Pattern Change and Trend Analysis

6.2 Value Chain Analysis and Forecast

6.3 SCI Monitoring Enterprise Business Trend Analysis

6.4 Downstream Customer Purchase Key Factors Analysis

6.5 Operator Business Risk and Barrier Analysis

Part 7 China VAC Industry Outlook

7.1 2025-2027 China VAC Price Trend Forecast

7.2 China VAC Price Driver Forecast

7.2.1 Influence of Macro-Environment on VAC Market

7.2.2 Influence of Industry Policy on VAC Market

7.2.3 2025-2029 China VAC Supply and Demand Balance Forecast 2025-2029 China VAC Supply and Demand Balance Trend and Characteristic Forecast 2025 VAC Monthly Supply and Demand Balance Forecast

7.2.4 2025-2029 Global and China VAC Trade Flow Forecast and Influence Analysis 2025-2029 Global VAC Trade Flow Forecast 2025-2029 China VAC Trade Flow Forecast

7.2.5 VAC and Related Product Price Co-Movement Influence Forecast

7.3 Influence Extent Analysis of Major VAC Drivers

Appendix 1 VAC Industry Highlights

Appendix 2 VAC Industry Annual Events

Appendix 3 Macroenvironment and Industry Policy in 2024

Appendix 4 Methodology and Related Definition

Appendix 5 Tables and Charts

Appendix 6 Related Product Annual Reports

2024-2025 China Ethylene Market Annual Report

2024-2025 China EVA Market Annual Report

2024-2025 China PVA Market Annual Report

2024-2025 China Calcium Carbide Market Annual Report

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