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Annual Report Overview


Entering 2024, the high inventory both in Europe and the US, coupled with the easing of supply-demand contradictions, have established a weak underlying tone for the global natural gas market. The fall in import costs helped China get more access to spot importing, leading to a surge in domestic natural gas supply growth and a significant drop in LNG price levels, moving away from the "unconventional" high price in the past two years. Since the end of Q2, the fluctuating rebound in international natural gas prices presented new upward momentum for the domestic LNG market, with a performance of " the off-season is not slow " catching the market's attention.

The market's initial weakness followed by strength has led to multiple inflection points in the operational landscape. Initially, seaborne gas saw a resurgence in market share through persistent discounted prices, while intense competition among LNG suppliers has continuously eroded profit margins, and the low price has sparked a revival in end-user demand. Subsequently, the upward trend in LNG prices has dampened the purchasing enthusiasm of downstream buyers. Although the "dual carbon" goals have charted an expansive development trajectory for the LNG market, price fluctuation remains a critical factor influencing supply and demand dynamics.

Looking ahead, will the influence of geopolitical issues persist? Can the stability of domestic LNG pricing be enhanced? How will domestic supply and demand patterns evolve? SCI's 2024-2025 China LNG Market Annual Report offers an exhaustive data analysis, delineating industry shifts and forecasting future trends. The report's core strength is its comprehensive and detailed first-hand data, the fruit of extensive research and meticulous study. It delves into the natural gas market and extends to the industry's entire value chain, providing a thorough retrospective of the past five years and an insightful analysis of future industry developments, equipping clients with robust market assessment tools.

Report value

1. Review China’s LNG supply & demand patterns and price trend in 2024 and analyze key market drivers.

2. Forecast the market tendency based on data models, policies, and other influencing factors’ interpretation.

3. Laser-focus on LNG industrial chain companies to spot opportunities and alert potential risks.


Part 1 China LNG Market Overview

Part 2 2020-2024 China LNG Market Supply-Demand Balance

2.1 2020-2024 China LNG Supply-Demand Trend

2.2 2024 China Monthly LNG Supply-Demand Features and Influence on Price

Part 3 China LNG Market Supply Pattern and Trend Analysis

3.1 2020-2024 China LNG Capacity Change and Analysis

  3.1.1 China LNG Capacity Development Trend LNG Capacity Development Trend LNG Capacity Concentration Ratio

  3.1.2 LNG Capacity Layout by Region

  3.1.3 2024 China LNG Market Trade Flow China LNG Sales Regions and Regional Demand Volume China LNG Production Areas and Regional Supply Volume China LNG Trade Flow and Influence

  3.1.4 2025-2029 China LNG Newly Added Capacity Forecast of 2025-2029 China LNG Capacity List of 2025-2029 China LNG New Capacity

3.2 2020-2024 China LNG Output Change and Analysis

  3.2.1 2020-2024 China LNG Output China LNG Annual Output Change and Capacity Utilization China LNG Annual Output Change by Region 2024 China LNG Monthly Output Change and Influence

3.3 2020-2024 China LNG Import Capacity Change and Analysis

  3.3.1 China LNG Import Capacity Development Trend LNG Import Capacity Development Trend LNG Import Capacity Concentration Ratio

  3.3.2 China LNG Import Capacity Layout by Region

  3.3.3 2025-2029 China LNG Import Newly Added Capacity 2025-2029 China LNG Import Capacity Forecast 2025-2029 China LNG Import New Capacity List

3.4 2020-2024 China LNG Import Analysis

  3.4.1 2020-2024 China LNG Import Tendency

  3.4.2 2024 China LNG Monthly Import Volume and Features  

3.5 2020-2024 China LNG Terminal Truck Loading Volume Change and Analysis

  3.5.1 2020-2024 China LNG Terminal Truck Loading Volume China LNG Terminal Annual Truck Loading Volume Change China LNG Terminal Annual Truck Loading Volume Change by Region 

  3.5.2 2024 China LNG Terminal Monthly Truck Loading Volume Change and Influence

3.6 2024 China LNG Inventory Change and Analysis

  3.6.1 LNG Plant Inventory 

  3.6.2 LNG Terminal Inventory LNG Terminal Turnover LNG Terminal Capacity Utilization

3.7 China LNG Storage and Logistics Analysis

3.8 2025-2029 China LNG Supply Forecast

  3.8.1 China LNG Plant Output Forecast 2025-2029 China LNG Output Forecast 2025 China LNG Monthly Output Forecast and Influence on Price

  3.8.2 China LNG Import Volume Forecast 2025-2029 China LNG Import Volume Forecast 2025 China LNG Monthly Import Volume Forecast and Influence on Price

  3.8.3 China LNG Terminal Truck Loading Volume Forecast 2025-2029 China LNG Terminal Truck Loading Volume Forecast 2025 China LNG Terminal Monthly Truck Loading Volume Forecast and Influence on Price

Part 4 China LNG Demand Pattern and Trend Analysis

4.1 2020-2024 China LNG Consumption Volume Change and Analysis

  4.1.1 China LNG Annual Consumption Volume and Change 2020-2024 China LNG Consumption Volume and Change 2024 China LNG Monthly Consumption Volume and Change

  4.1.2 2024 China LNG Consumption Structure

  4.1.3 2024 China LNG Consumption Structure by Region

  4.1.4 2024 China LNG Consumption Layout by Region

4.2 China LNG and Alternative Energy Comparative Analysis

4.3 2025-2029 LNG Downstream Consumption Growth Forecast

4.4 2025-2029 China LNG Consumption Volume Forecast

  4.4.1 2025-2029 China LNG Consumption Volume Forecast

  4.4.2 2025 China LNG Monthly Consumption Volume Forecast and Influence on Price

4.5 LNG Consumption Peak and Off-Peak Season Analysis

  4.5.1 Features of LNG Demand in Off-Peak and Peak Seasons

  4.5.2 LNG Demand Off-Peak and Peak Seasons from a Price Perspective

Part 5 LNG Price Tendency Analysis

5.1 International LNG Market Price Analysis

5.2 China LNG Market Price Analysis

  5.2.1 Features of China LNG Market Price Change Analysis of the General Trend of Prices Analysis of Price and Arbitrage in Major Regions

  5.2.2 Analysis of Seasonal Price Trends in 2024

5.3 LNG Cost and Profit Analysis

  5.3.1 LNG Plant Cost and Profit LNG Plant Cost LNG Plant Gross Profit

  5.3.2 LNG Terminal Cost and Profit LNG Terminal Import Cost LNG Terminal Gross Profit

Part 6 China LNG Market Competition Pattern and Operator Behavior

6.1 LNG Market Competition Pattern and Tendency

6.2 LNG Industrial Value Chain Outlook

6.3 Downstream Purchase Key Factors Analysis

Part 7 China LNG Industry Outlook

7.1 2025-2029 LNG Price Trend Outlook

7.2 LNG Price Drivers Outlook

  7.2.1 Macro Environment

  7.2.2 Industrial Policy

  7.2.3 2025-2029 China LNG Supply and Demand Balance 2025-2029 China LNG Supply and Demand Balance 2025 China LNG Monthly Supply and Demand Balance

7.3 Influential Strength Outlook of Key Drivers on 2025 China LNG Price

Appendix 1 LNG Hotspots

Appendix 2 Macro and Industry Policy Summary (2024)

Appendix 3 Methodology and Definition

Appendix 4 Tables and Charts

Appendix 5 Related Annual Reports

2024-2025 China Natural Gas Market Annual Report

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