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Annual Report Overview


In 2024, China's 2-EH industry ushered in a year of capacity expansion. However, as multiple newly added units were scheduled to be put into operation in H2, 2024, the 2-EH market maintained a tight balance to a certain extent in H1, 2024. In Q1, the macroeconomic recovery cycle was delayed, and the downstream plasticizer market performed weaker than expected. At the same time, the maintenance activities of 2-EH units decreased, so the industry operating rate reached a historical high, resulting in relatively weak market performance and greater downward adjustment pressure on the market. In Q2, with the recovery of China’s domestic economy, a series of macro policies were successively implemented to boost market confidence. The related consumer industries showed signs of improvement, and the industry's prosperity rallied. The 2-EH market recovered and strengthened from its low point, and the characteristics of a tight and balanced supply resurfaced. Although the commissioning cycle for new capacity was slightly delayed in the second half of the year, the market was initially focused on the expected changes caused by the new capacity increment and the prolonged off-season demand for plasticizers. Therefore, the market experienced a downward adjustment.

In addition to significant changes in the supply, there was a clear concentration of regional new capacity. The original supply and demand structure in the 2-EH market entered a new historical stage, with the flow of goods shifting mostly inside the region and drastically lowering cross-regional flow. For the 2-EH industry, 2024 was an extremely special year. The external environment was complex and changing, and the demand for domestic industrial products did not recover as expected. The downstream plasticizer industry of 2-EH was highly related to the downstream PVC soft products industry and the real estate as well as the building materials market. In 2024, demand grew quite slowly both at home and overseas. The plasticizer DOP and DOTP sectors in China showed a clear overcapacity trend. In H2, 2024, the market entered a medium to long cycle of price decline, with the industry’s relatively strong voice facing sustained challenges and the high profit from 2-EH production being correspondingly revised. What was the mutual influence and internal logic between 2-EH prices and profits in 2024?

What significant changes will occur in the transmission and distribution of the 2-EH value chain in the future after 2025? SCI’s China 2-EH Market Annual Report will dispel the fog and present the most detailed and comprehensive data, accompanied by the most detailed market analysis. By studying changes in the industry landscape through supply-demand balance, interpreting industry development trends through key events, and analyzing and judging industry hotspots through value chain analysis, the report restores the most authentic market and analyzes and forecasts the most closely watched industry trends. The core competitiveness of this annual report lies in its comprehensive data, which is investigated elaborately by SCI analysts. More specifically, this report expounds from 2-EH to the overall upstream and downstream industry chain, aiming to provide a sound basis for clients’ research and decision-making. Moreover, this report has a more reasonable structure and long-span forecast analysis following multi-year research. In 2024, a more in-depth annual report will provide customers with comprehensive market analysis comprehensive data.



Report Value

1. To conduct an in-depth analysis of the value chain from the perspective of the industry

2. To interpret the market from the perspective of the whole industry chain via a comprehensive analysis of upstream and downstream markets as well as supply and demand

3. To present the new pattern of supply, demand and trade flow

4. To comprehensively analyze and judge the development of new market patterns and industry evolution trends in the future


Part 1 2-EH Market Overview

Part 2 2020-2024 2-EH Supply-Demand Balance Analysis

2.1 2020-2024 Supply-Demand Balance Trend Analysis

2.2 2024 Monthly Supply-Demand Balance Feature and Price Relation Analysis

Part 3 2-EH Supply Pattern and Change Trend Analysis

3.1 2024 Global 2-EH Capacity Analysis

3.1.1 Global 2-EH Capacity Layout

3.1.2 2024 Global 2-EH Resources Flow Analysis

3.2 2020-2024 China 2-EH Capacity Change Analysis

3.2.1 China 2-EH Capacity Development Trend Analysis 2-EH Capacity Development Trend Analysis 2-EH Capacity Concentration Ratio Analysis 2-EH Existing Capacity Technology Structure Analysis 2-EH Existing Capacity (and Technology)

3.2.2 China 2-EH Capacity Regional Distribution Analysis 2-EH Capacity Layout and Change Analysis Coastal 2-EH Capacity Analysis

3.2.3 2024 China 2-EH Resource Flow Analysis China 2-EH Main Sales Areas, Demand and Resources Origin China 2-EH Main Production Areas, Output and Outflow Direction China 2-EH Resource Flow Feature and Influence

3.2.4 2025-2029 China Newly Added Capacity 2025-2029 China 2-EH Capacity Forecast 2025-2029 Newly Added Capacity Research

3.3 2020-2024 China 2-EH Output Change Analysis

3.3.1 2020-2024 China 2-EH Output Analysis China 2-EH Annual Output Change Trend and Capacity Utilization Rate China 2-EH Annual Output Change by Region

3.3.2 2024 China 2-EH Production Feature and Reason Analysis 2024 2-EH Monthly Output Change Feature and Influence 2024 2-EH Production High-Frequency Data Feature

3.4 2020-2024 China 2-EH Import Market Analysis

3.4.1 2020-2024 China 2-EH Import Data Analysis China 2-EH Import Volume Trend Analysis China 2-EH Import Structure Analysis by Trade Partner China 2-EH Import Structure Analysis by Customs and Trade Mode

3.4.2 2024 China 2-EH Import Volume Change Analysis 2-EH Monthly Import Volume and Feature Analysis 2024 2-EH Imports’ Impact on China’s Total Supply

3.5 2024 2-EH Inventory Change Analysis

3.5.1 2-EH Total Inventory Change and Trend Analysis Producers’ Inventory Change Analysis Traders’ Inventory Change Analysis Downstream Enterprises’ Inventory Change Analysis

3.5.2 Inventory Change and Price Relation Analysis Analysis of Relation Between Inventory Change and Supply-Demand Analysis of Relation Between Inventory Change and Price

3.6 2-EH Warehouse Logistics Status Analysis

3.6.1 Storage and Logistics Cost Analysis

3.6.2 Warehouse and Logistics Changes and Impacts on Prices

3.7 2025-2029 China 2-EH Supply Forecast

3.7.1 2025-2029 Total Supply Forecast

3.7.2 2025 Monthly Supply Forecast and Impact on Price

Part 4 2-EH Demand Pattern and Change Trend Analysis

4.1 2020-2024 International 2-EH Consumption Volume Change Trend Analysis

4.1.1 2020-2024 Global 2-EH Main Consuming Country and Consumption Change Analysis

4.1.2 2024 2-EH Consumption Change New Feature and Influence Analysis

4.2 2020-2024 China 2-EH Consumption Volume Change Trend Analysis

4.2.1 China 2-EH Consumption Volume and Change Trend Analysis 2020-2024 2-EH Consumption Volume and Change Trend Analysis 2024 Monthly 2-EH Consumption Volume Change Analysis

4.2.2 China 2-EH Main Downstream Industry Consumption Change and Features Analysis

4.2.3 China 2-EH Downstream Industry Distribution and Regional Consumption Structure

4.2.4 2024 China 2-EH Downstream Customer Scale and Demand Change Analysis

4.2.5 China 2-EH Downstream Key Region Customer Scale Analysis

4.3 2020-2024 China 2-EH Export Market Analysis

4.3.1 2020-2024 China Export Data Analysis China 2-EH Export Volume Trend Analysis 2024 China 2-EH Export Structure Analysis by Trade Partner 2024 China 2-EH Export Structure Analysis by Customs and Trade Mode

4.3.2 2024 China 2-EH Export Volume Change Analysis 2-EH Monthly Export Volume and Feature Analysis 2024 2-EH Exports’ Impacts on China’s Total Demand

4.4 2025-2029 2-EH Downstream Industry Consumption Forecast

4.4.1 DOP Market Scale Analysis and Demand Forecast

4.4.2 DOTP Market Scale Analysis and Demand Forecast

4.4.3 2-Ethylhexyl Acrylate Market Scale Analysis and Demand Forecast

4.5 2025-2029 2-EH Consumption Volume Forecast

4.5.1 China 2-EH Consumption Volume Change Trend Analysis

4.5.2 2-EH Export Volume Change Trend Analysis

4.6 2-EH Demand Peak and Slack Season Analysis

4.6.1 2-EH Demand Peak and Slack Seasons Feature Analysis

4.6.2 2-EH Demand Peak and Slack Seasons from Price Perspective

Part 5 China 2-EH Price Trend Analysis

5.1 International octanol price trend analysis

5.1.1 Main Regional 2-EH Price Trend and Features Analysis

5.1.2 Features and Influence of Price Spread at Home and Abroad

5.2 China 2-EH Market Price Analysis

5.2.1 2-EH Price Change Feature Analysis General Price Trend Feature Analysis Main Regional Price Feature Analysis

5.2.2 2024 2-EH Price Trend Seasonal Features Analysis

5.3 Related Product Price Co-Movement Analysis

5.3.1 2-EH and Propylene Price Co-Movement Analysis

5.3.2 2-EH and Downstream Product Price Co-Movement Analysis

5.3.3 2-EH and Related NBA Price Co-Movement Analysis

5.4 2-EH Cost and Profit Analysis

5.4.1 2-EH Cost Structure and Feature Analysis 2-EH Cost Composition and Change Analysis Production Process Cost Difference Analysis Regional Cost Difference Analysis

5.4.2 2-EH Profit Change and Impact Analysis 2-EH Profit Trend and Feature Analysis Impact of Profit Change on Producers’ Production

Part 6 Industry Competition Pattern and Operator Behavior Change Analysis

6.1 2-EH Industry Competition Pattern Change and Trend Analysis

6.2 Value Chain Analysis and Forecast

6.3 SCI Monitored Enterprise Business Trend Analysis

6.4 Downstream Procurement Key Factors Analysis

6.5 Operation Risk and Barrier Analysis

Part 7 2-EH Industry Outlook

7.1 2025-2027 2-EH Price Forecast

7.2 2-EH Price Driver Forecast

7.2.1 Marco Economy’s Influence on 2-EH Market

7.2.2 Industrial Policy’s Influence on 2-EH Market

7.2.3 2025-2029 China 2-EH Supply and Demand Balance Forecast 2025-2029 China 2-EH Supply and Demand Balance Trend and Feature Forecast 2025 Supply and Demand Balance Forecast

7.2.4 2025-2029 2-EH Trade Flow at Home and Abroad 2025-2029 Global 2-EH Trade Flow Analysis and Forecast 2025-2029 China 2-EH Trade Flow Analysis and Forecast

7.2.5 Related Product Price Co-Movement Forecast

7.3 Impact of Main Driver on 2025 2-EH Price

Appendix 1 2-EH Industry Highlights

Appendix 2 Methodology and Related Definition

Appendix 3 Tables, Charts and Enterprises

Appendix 4 Related Annual Report

2024-2025 China Propylene Market Annual Report

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