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2024-2025 China Silicone Market Annual Report

Annual Report Overview


2024 will witness intensive capacity expansion of silicone monomer in China. The total supply of silicone monomer continues to grow. Yet, the delay in the commissioning of new capacity and unstable unit operation have suppressed the rapid growth of the supply. In terms of the downstream sector, affected by a slowdown in global economic growth, a downward real estate cycle and insufficient consumer confidence, the growth of silicone demand in traditional application fields has cooled down, and the profitability of related enterprises has declined greatly. However, the emerging application markets dominated by silicone leather and thermal management materials continue to contribute to the demand growth. Within this year, the export market of primary-form polysiloxane performs well, while the domestic consumption market remains tepid. Against strong supply but weak demand, prices of silicone industrial chain products such as DMC see falls instead of rises most of the time. For main feedstock industrial silicon, curbed by demand cuts from the largest downstream sector of polysilicon, its price decrement has been enlarged, so the profit losses at silicone monomer enterprises have eased from last year.

In 2025, China’s silicone industry will still face rigorous challenges, taking cues from the complex external environment and the uncertainties of the global economy. In terms of supply, the downward cycle may lead to some new projects being stranded or delayed. Thus, will the supply growth of China’s silicone monomer slow down in the future, and will it support the price? In terms of demand, amid a highly competitive environment, how will the traditional application areas of silicone break through? Which application areas will continue to achieve new development? Will the well-performed export market continue? In terms of cost, against backward polysilicon capacity being eliminated, how will industrial silicon price evolve, and what impact will it have on the silicone market?

Against this backdrop, via comprehensive and detailed data analysis, the 2024-2025 China Silicone Market Annual Report will expound on industry pattern change and forecast industry development. Besides, the core competitiveness of this annual report lies in its elaborate data accumulation, which extends from the silicone monomer to the upstream and downstream products of the industry. While reviewing and summarizing the past market in detail, it also interprets the changes in the industry in the next five years, in a bid to provide a strong basis for customers to judge the market.

Report value

1. To analyze the global silicone monomer supply and demand change and explore the law from historical changes

2. To interpret the price and profit change reasons of major silicone products in the past five years

3. To forecast the supply and demand of silicone monomer in China in the next five years with sufficient arguments and clear viewpoints

4. To predict the price trend of DMC in the next three years quantitatively


Part 1 Silicone Market Overview

1.1 Silicone Product Introduction

1.2 Silicone Industry Chain Relation

1.3 Silicone Monomer Supply, Demand and DMC Price Change

Part 2 2020-2024 China Silicone Monomer Supply-Demand Balance Analysis

Part 3 Silicone Product Supply Pattern and Change Trend Analysis

3.1 2024 Global Silicone Monomer Capacity Analysis

3.1.1 Global Silicone Monomer Capacity Regional Layout

3.1.2 2024 Global Main Silicone Product Trade Flow Analysis

3.2 2020-2024 China Silicone Monomer Capacity Change Analysis

3.2.1 China Silicone Monomer Capacity Development Trend Analysis Silicone Monomer Capacity Change Trend Analysis Silicone Monomer Capacity Concentration Ratio Analysis Silicone Monomer Existing Capacity Technical Structure Characteristic Analysis Silicone Monomer Existing Capacity and Technology Analysis

3.2.2 China Silicone Monomer Capacity Regional Layout Analysis

3.2.3 2024 China Main Product DMC Market Resource Flow Analysis

3.2.4 2025-2029 China Newly Added Silicone Monomer Capacity 2025-2029 China Silicone Monomer Capacity Forecast 2025-2029 Newly Added Silicone Monomer Capacity Survey List

3.3 2020-2024 China Silicone Monomer Output Change Analysis

3.3.1 2020-2024 China Silicone Monomer Output Analysis China Silicone Monomer Annual Output and Capacity Utilization Rate Change Analysis China Silicone Monomer Regional Output Change Analysis

3.3.2 2024 China Silicone Monomer Production Characteristic and Reason Analysis 2024 Silicone Monomer Monthly Output Change Characteristic and Influence Analysis 2024 Silicone Monomer Production High-Frequency Data Characteristic Analysis

3.4 2020-2024 China Primary-Form Polysiloxane Import Market Analysis

3.4.1 2020-2024 China Primary-Form Polysiloxane Import Data Analysis

3.4.2 2024 China Primary-Form Polysiloxane Import Volume Change Analysis Monthly Import Volume and Characteristic Analysis 2024 Import Influence on China Silicone Total Supply

3.5 2024 China Silicone Monomer Enterprise Inventory Change Analysis

3.5.1 Silicone Monomer Enterprise Total Inventory Change and Trend Analysis

3.5.2 Inventory Change and Price Relation Characteristic Analysis Inventory Change Characteristic and Supply-Demand Relation Inventory Change and Price Relation Analysis

3.6 Silicone Market Warehouse and Logistics Status Analysis

3.7 2025-2029 China Silicone Monomer Market Supply Forecast

3.7.1 2025-2029 Total Supply Forecast

3.7.2 2025 Monthly Supply Forecast and Influence on Price

Part 4 Silicone Product Demand Pattern and Change Trend Analysis

4.1 2020-2024 International Silicone Monomer Consumption Volume Change Trend Analysis

4.2 2020-2024 China Silicone Monomer Consumption Volume Change Trend Analysis

4.2.1 China Silicone Monomer Annual Consumption Volume and Change Trend Analysis 2020-2024 Silicone Monomer Consumption Volume Change Trend and Analysis 2024 Silicone Monomer Monthly Consumption Volume Change and Analysis

4.2.2 China Silicone Monomer Main Downstream Industry Consumption Volume Change and Characteristic Analysis

4.2.3 China Silicone Monomer Consumption Structure and Downstream Industry Layout Analysis

4.2.4 China Silicone Monomer Downstream Customer Scale and Demand Change Analysis

4.3 2020-2024 China Primary-Form Polysiloxane Export Market Analysis

4.3.1 2020-2024 China Primary-Form Polysiloxane Export Data Analysis China Primary-Form Polysiloxane Export Volume Trend Analysis 2024 China Primary-Form Polysiloxane Export Structure Analysis by Trade Partner 2024 China Primary-Form Polysiloxane Export Structure Analysis by Receipt and Delivery Places

4.3.2 2024 China Primary-Form Polysiloxane Export Volume Change Analysis Monthly Export Volume and Characteristic Analysis 2024 Export Influence on China Silicone Total Demand Analysis

4.4 2025-2029 Silicone Monomer Downstream Industry Demand Growth Forecast

4.4.1 Silicone Rubber Industry Market Scale Analysis and Demand Forecast

4.4.2 Silicone Oil Industry Market Scale Analysis and Demand Forecast

4.5 2025-2029 Silicone Monomer Demand Forecast

4.5.1 China Silicone Monomer Consumption Volume Change Trend Analysis

4.5.2 Primary-Form Polysiloxane Export Change Trend Analysis

4.6 Silicone Main Product Demand Slack and Peak Season Analysis

4.6.1 Demand Slack and Peak Season Characteristic Analysis

4.6.2 Demand Slack and Peak Season Analysis via Price Change

Part 5 Silicone Main Product Price Trend Analysis

5.1 China DMC Market Price Analysis

5.1.1 DMC Price Change Characteristic Analysis

5.1.2 2024 Price Trend Seasonal Characteristic Analysis

5.2 China 107 Silicone Rubber Price Trend Analysis

5.3 China 110 Silicone Rubber Price Trend Analysis

5.4 China Simethicone Price Trend Analysis

5.5 China Silicone Rubber Compound Market Price Analysis

5.6 Related Product Price Co-Movement Analysis

5.6.1 DMC and Main Feedstock Price Co-Movement Analysis

5.6.2 DMC and Major Downstream Product Price Co-Movement Analysis

5.7 DMC Cost and Profit Analysis

5.7.1 DMC Cost Structure and Characteristic Analysis DMC Cost Composition and Change Analysis DMC Cost Comparative Analysis by Different Production Technologies

5.7.2 DMC Profit Change and Influence Analysis DMC Profit Trend and Characteristic Analysis Profit Change Impact on Enterprise Production

Part 6 Industry Competition Pattern and Operator Behavior Change Analysis

6.1 Silicone Monomer Industry Competition Pattern Change and Trend Analysis

6.2 Value Chain Analysis and Forecast

6.3 SCI Monitoring Enterprise Operation Trend Analysis

6.4 Silicone Monomer Downstream Customer Procurement Key Factors Analysis

6.5 Silicone Monomer Operators Business Risk and Barrier Analysis

Part 7 Silicone Product Market Forecast

7.1 2025-2027 DMC Price Trend Forecast

7.2 Silicone Market Driver Forecast

7.2.1 Macro Environment Influence on Silicone Market

7.2.2 Industrial Policy Influence on Silicone Market

7.2.3 2025-2029 China Silicone Monomer Supply-Demand Balance Forecast

7.2.4 Related Product Price Co-Movement Influence Forecast

7.3 Major Drivers Influence on 2025 DMC Price Analysis

Appendix 1 Silicone Product Hotspots

Appendix 2 Silicone Product Annual Event

Appendix 3 2024 Macro and Industry Policy

Appendix 4 Methodology and Definition

Appendix 5 Tables, Charts and Enterprises

Appendix 6 Related Annual Reports

2024-2025 China Methanol Market Annual Report

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