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2024-2025 China Butadiene Market Annual Report

Annual Report Overview


In H1, 2024, China’s butadiene market remained in an upswing overall. Affected by international events and abnormal weather, limited deep-sea cargoes were replenished to Northeast Asia. Besides, in Northeast Asia, crackers ran unsteadily, leading to a price rise in Asia. Thus, batches of Chinese-made butadiene resources were exported for arbitrage. What’s more, in H1, 2024, there was no new butadiene unit coming on stream. The supply greatly underpinned China’s butadiene market. Yet, end demand recovered limitedly, so prices of most downstream products saw minor gains. The overall industry chain profit was concentrated in the butadiene sector.

In H2, 2024, with new units kicking off, how will China’s butadiene market fluctuate in the future? What will happen to butadiene supply and demand? Will the import and export pattern of butadiene change? A comprehensive and eye-catching scenario will be displayed in this report. Based on more than 10 years of professional observation and research experience in China’s butadiene market, SCI has launched the 2024-2025 China Butadiene Market Annual Report via the combination of theory and data, macro and micro analysis. More specifically, this report elaborates from butadiene to the overall upstream and downstream industry chain. While reviewing the butadiene market in the past years in detail, it also interprets the changes in the butadiene industry in the next five years, in a bid to help you accurately grasp the market trend and achieve business strategic objectives.

Report value

1. To analyze profit changes of ethylene crackers on butadiene production, and fully decode China’s butadiene supply and demand changes and its underlying reasons in the past and next five years

2. To subdivide global and China butadiene resource flow, and elaborate on China’s butadiene supply and demand balance in the past and next five years, in a bid to assist players predict the market in the future

3. To newly added relevant policies about butadiene and downstream industries to master industry trends from the macro aspect

4. To make systematic analysis of industry competition patterns and operator operation changes for a better understanding of the industry trend.

5. To forecast the future 3-year butadiene market supported by long-term fundamentals data. 


Part 1 Butadiene Market Overview

Part 2 2020-2024 Butadiene Supply-Demand Balance Analysis  

2.1 2020-2024 Supply-Demand Balance Trend Analysis

2.2 2024 Monthly Supply-Demand Balance Characteristic and Price Relation Analysis

Part 3 Butadiene Supply Pattern and Change Analysis     

3.1 2024 Global Butadiene Capacity Analysis

3.1.1 2024 Global Butadiene Capacity Regional Layout Analysis

3.1.2 2024 Global Butadiene Resource Flow Analysis

3.2 2020-2024 China Butadiene Capacity Change Analysis

3.2.1 2020-2024 China Butadiene Capacity Development Trend Analysis Butadiene Capacity Development Trend Analysis Butadiene Capacity Concentration Ratio Analysis Existing Butadiene Capacity Technical Structure Characteristic Analysis Existing Butadiene Capacity & Technology Analysis

3.2.2 2020-2024 China Butadiene Capacity Regional Layout Comparison Butadiene Regional Capacity Analysis Butadiene Coastal Capacity Analysis

3.2.3 2024 China Butadiene Market Resource Flow Analysis China Major Butadiene Sales Area, Demand Volume and Inflow Status China Major Butadiene Production Area, Output and Outflow Status China Butadiene Market Resource Flow Characteristic and Influence

3.2.4 2025-2029 China Newly Added Butadiene Capacity 2025-2029 China Butadiene Capacity Forecast 2025-2029 Newly Added Butadiene Capacity Survey List

3.3 2020-2024 China Butadiene Output Change Analysis

3.3.1 2020-2024 China Butadiene Output China Butadiene Annual Output Change and Capacity Utilization Rate China Butadiene Annual Output Change by Region

3.3.2 2024 China Butadiene Production Characteristic and Reason Analysis 2024 Butadiene Monthly Output Change and Influence Analysis Ethylene Cracker Profit Influence on Butadiene Production 2024 Butadiene Weekly Operating Rate Analysis

3.4 2020-2024 China Butadiene Import Market Analysis

3.4.1 2020-2024 China Butadiene Import Data Analysis China Butadiene Import Volume Trend Analysis China Butadiene Import Structure Analysis by Trade Partner China Butadiene Import Structure Analysis by Receipt & Delivery Places China Butadiene Import Structure Analysis by Trade Mode

3.4.2 2024 China Butadiene Import Volume Change Analysis 2024 China Butadiene Monthly Import Volume and Characteristic Analysis 2024 Import Influence on China Total Butadiene Supply Analysis

3.5 2020-2024 Butadiene Inventory Change Analysis

3.5.1 Butadiene Inventory Change and Trend Analysis Representative Enterprise Inventory East China Port Commercial Tank Farm Inventory Major Representative Downstream Enterprise Feedstock Inventory

3.5.2 Butadiene Inventory Change and Price Relation Characteristic Analysis Inventory Change and Supply-Demand Relation Analysis Inventory Change and Price Relation Analysis

3.6 Butadiene Storage and Logistics Analysis

3.7 2025-2029 China Butadiene Supply Forecast

3.7.1 2025-2029 China Butadiene Total Supply Forecast

3.7.2 2025 Butadiene Monthly Supply and Influence on Price Forecast

Part 4 Butadiene Demand Pattern and Change Analysis

4.1 2024 Global Butadiene Consumption Volume Change Trend Analysis

4.1.1 2024 Global Butadiene Major Consumption Country and Consumption Change

4.1.2 2024 Butadiene Consumption Change New Characteristic and Influence Analysis

4.2 2020-2024 China Butadiene Consumption Volume Change Trend Analysis

4.2.1 2020-2024 China Butadiene Annual Consumption Volume and Change Trend 2020-2024 Butadiene Consumption Volume Change Trend and Analysis 2024 Butadiene Monthly Consumption Volume Change and Analysis

4.2.2 2020-2024 China Butadiene Major Downstream Industry Demand Change and Characteristic Analysis

4.2.3 2024 China Butadiene Downstream Industry Layout and Regional Consumption Structure Analysis

4.2.4 2024 China Butadiene Downstream Customer Scale and Demand Change Analysis

4.2.5 2024 China Butadiene Downstream Key Regional Customer Scale Analysis

4.3 2020-2024 China Butadiene Export Market Analysis

4.3.1 2020-2024 China Butadiene Export Data Analysis China Butadiene Export Volume Trend Analysis 2024 China Butadiene Export Structure Analysis by Trade Partner 2024 China Butadiene Export Structure Analysis by Receipt & Delivery Places 2024 China Butadiene Export Structure Analysis by Trade Mode

4.3.2 2024 China Butadiene Export Volume Change Analysis 2024 Butadiene Monthly Export Volume and Characteristic Analysis 2024 Export Influence on China Butadiene Total Demand

4.3.3 2024 South Korea Butadiene Import and Export Change Analysis

4.4 2025-2029 Butadiene Downstream Industry Demand Growth Forecast

4.4.1 PBR Industry Market Scale and Demand Forecast

4.4.2 SBR Industry Market Scale and Demand Forecast

4.4.3 ABS Industry Market Scale and Demand Forecast

4.5 2025-2029 Butadiene Demand Volume Forecast

4.5.1 China Butadiene Consumption Volume Change Trend Analysis

4.5.2 Butadiene Export Volume Change Trend Analysis

4.5.3 2025 China Butadiene Monthly Demand Forecast

4.6 Butadiene Demand Slack and Peak Season Analysis

4.6.1 Butadiene Demand Slack and Peak Season Characteristic Analysis

4.6.2 Butadiene Demand Slack and Peak Season via Price Change

Part 5 Butadiene Price Trend Analysis     

5.1 2020-2024 China Butadiene Import Price Trend Analysis    

5.1.1 2020-2024 CFR China Butadiene Price Trend Characteristic Analysis

5.1.2 2024 China and Foreign Butadiene Price Spread Characteristic and Influence

5.2 2020-2024 China Butadiene Market Price Analysis

5.2.1 2020-2024 China Butadiene Price Change Analysis Overall Butadiene Price Characteristic Analysis Major Regional Butadiene Price Characteristic and Arbitrage Analysis

5.2.2 2024 Butadiene Price Seasonal Characteristic Analysis

5.3 2020-2024 Butadiene and Related Product Price Co-Movement Analysis

5.3.1 Butadiene and Crude Oil Price Co-Movement Analysis

5.3.2 Butadiene and PBR Futures Price Co-Movement Analysis

5.3.3 Butadiene and Ethylene Price Co-Movement Analysis

5.4 2020-2024 Butadiene Cost and Profit Analysis

5.4.1 Butadiene Cost Structure and Characteristic Analysis Butadiene Cost Structure and Change Analysis Butadiene Cost Comparison via Various Production Technologies

5.4.2 2024 Butadiene Profit Change and Influence Analysis Butadiene Profit Trend and Characteristic Analysis Profit Change Influence on Butadiene Enterprise Production

Part 6 Industry Competition Pattern and Operator Behavior Change Analysis

6.1 Butadiene Industry Competition Pattern Change and Trend Analysis

6.2 Value Chain Analysis and Forecast

6.3 SCI Monitoring Enterprise Operation Trend Analysis

6.4 Butadiene Downstream Customer Procurement Key Factors Analysis

6.5 Butadiene Operators Business Risk and Barrier Analysis

Part 7 China Butadiene Market Outlook  

7.1 2025-2027 China Butadiene Price Trend Forecast

7.2 Butadiene Market Driver Future Development Forecast

7.2.1 Influence of Macro Environment on Butadiene Market Analysis

7.2.2 Influence of Industrial Policy on Butadiene Market Analysis

7.2.3 2025-2029 China Butadiene Supply-Demand Balance Forecast 2025-2029 China Butadiene Supply-Demand Balance Trend and Characteristic Forecast 2025 China Butadiene Monthly Supply-Demand Balance Forecast

7.2.4 2025-2029 Butadiene Global and China Trade Flow Forecast and Influence Analysis 2025-2029 Global Trade Flow Forecast and Influence Analysis 2025-2029 China Trade Flow Forecast and Influence Analysis

7.2.5 Butadiene and Related Product Price Co-movement Impact Forecast

6.3 Main Driver Influence on 2025 Butadiene Price

Appendix 1 Butadiene Industry Annual Events

Appendix 2 2024 Macro and Industry Policy

Appendix 3 Methodology and Definition

Appendix 4 Tables, Charts and Enterprises

Appendix 5 Related Annual Reports

2024-2025 China PBR Market Annual Report

2024-2025 China SBR Market Annual Report

2024-2025 China ABS Market Annual Report

2024-2025 China SBS Market Annual Report

2024-2025 China SSBR Market Annual Report

2024-2025 China SEBS Market Annual Report

2024-2025 China NBR & HNBR Market Annual Report

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