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2024-2025 China Natural Gas Market Annual Report

Annual Report Overview


China's natural gas market is showing a positive upward trend in 2024. After global rebalancing of supply-demand, the increased LNG imports have enhanced supply in China with more natural gas resources. Meanwhile, the continuous improvement of China’s macroeconomy, coupled with the cost reduction and supply increase in natural gas, has stimulated the downstream demand for natural gas. Under the rigid growth of energy demand, there is an accelerated transformation of green and low-carbon energy consumption structure. In the short to medium term, China's natural gas consumption will grow steadily, which is not only a huge opportunity for the natural gas industry itself but also means that China's natural gas will play a more important role in achieving the carbon neutrality goal of the country.

As the "14th Five-Year Plan" draws to a close, the supply and demand of natural gas will further increase, along with the accelerated construction of China's natural gas infrastructure. The further enhancement of storage capacity will effectively ensure the stability of natural gas supply. Moreover, the market-oriented reform of domestic natural gas has entered the deep-water area, and the activity of spot piped gas trading has been significantly increased in a quicker marketization process against the ample supply in 2024.

The growth space of China's natural gas market in the future is huge, especially in terms of opportunities for environmental protection and energy structure transformation. Equally, the natural gas industry also faces challenges brought by intensified market competition and policy adjustments. Therefore, it is necessary for enterprises from upstream to downstream of the industry chain to strengthen cooperation, grasp market dynamics, and improve technological innovation capabilities to adapt to future development trends.

SCI has a wealth of data monitoring methods, and the annual report covers the market from overseas to China, the participants from producers, traders to end-users, with long historical data and a complete prediction methodology. For many years, it has provided customers with accurate market intelligence and scientific decision-making basis. With its deep data foundation and professional prediction model, SCI can be one of your important partners, helping you to seize the opportunity in the fierce market competition and achieve success.

Report value

1. In-depth analysis on supply-demand status and outlook via annual and monthly supply-demand balance interpretation

2. International market analysis to help better understand China natural gas market

3. Upstream supply situation and development trend

4. Detailed analysis on natural gas consumption and structure

5. Profit changes from different market participants in the natural gas industrial chain

6. Newly added price analysis of piped gas reflecting China’s natural gas balance


Part 1 China NG Market Overview       

Part 2 2020-2024 China NG Supply and Demand Balance

2.1 2020-2024 Supply and Demand Balance Analysis

2.2 2024 Monthly Supply and Demand Balance Analysis

Part 3 NG Supply Pattern and Trend Analysis

3.1 2024 Global NG Capacity

  3.1.1 Global NG Reserves

  3.1.2 Global NG Output

3.2 2020-2024 China NG Reserves  

  3.2.1 China Remaining Proven Technically Recoverable Reserves of NG

  3.2.2 China NG Resources Layout by Region

3.3 2020-2024 China NG Output Analysis

  3.3.1 2020-2024China NG Output Analysis

  3.3.2 2024 China NG Output by Province

  3.3.3 2024 China NG Monthly Output

3.4 2020-2024 China NG Import Analysis

  3.4.1 2020-2024 China NG Import Analysis China NG Import Tendency China NG Import by Trade Partner China NG Import Price

  3.4.2 2024 China NG Import Analysis 2024 China NG Monthly Import Volume and Features Influence of NG Imports on China’s NG Total Supply in 2024

3.5 2025-2029 China NG Supply Forecast  

  3.5.1 2025-2029 NG Total Supply Forecast

  3.5.2 2025-2029 NG Output Forecast

  3.5.3 2025-2029 NG Import Forecast

  3.5.4 2025 NG Monthly Supply Forecast

Part 4 NG Demand Pattern and Trend Analysis        

4.1 2020-2024 Global NG Consumption

  4.1.1 2020-2024 Global NG Consumption Tendency

  4.1.2 2024 Major Global NG Consuming Countries and Consumption Changes

4.2 2020-2024 China NG Consumption

  4.2.1 China NG Annual Consumption 2020-2024 China NG Consumption Tendency 2024 China Monthly NG Consumption

  4.2.2 China NG Consumption by Region

  4.2.3 China NG Downstream Consumption Structure Consumption in Residential Sector Consumption in Transport Sector Consumption in Chemical Sector Consumption in Industrial Sector Consumption in Gas Power Sector

4.3 2020-2024 China NG Export Analysis      

  4.3.1 2020-2024 China NG Export Analysis China NG Export Tendency 2024 China NG Export by Trade Partner

  4.3.2 2024 China NG Export Analysis 2024 China NG Monthly Export Volume and Features Influence of NG Exports on China’s NG Total Demand in 2024

4.4 2025-2029 China NG Consumption Forecast

  4.4.1 China NG Consumption Tendency  

  4.4.2 China NG Export Tendency

  4.4.3 2025 China Monthly NG Consumption Forecast

4.5 2025-2029 China NG Consumption Structure Forecast

4.6 NG Consumption Peak and Off-Peak Season Analysis

Part 5 NG Price Analysis        

5.1 Global NG Price

5.2 China NG Price

  5.2.1 PNG Market Price Auction Prices of Piped Gas Directly-Supplied Prices of Piped Gas

  5.2.2 LNG Market Price

Part 6 China NG Infrastructure Analysis 

6.1 China NG Pipeline Grid    

6.2 China NG UGS Facility    

Part 7 China NG Industry Outlook    

7.1 Drivers for NG Market

  7.1.1 Influence of Macro Environment

  7.1.2 Influence of Industry Policies

7.2 2025-2029 China NG Supply-Demand Balance Forecast   

  7.2.1 2025-2029 China NG Supply-Demand Balance Tendency

  7.2.2 2025 Monthly Supply-Demand Balance Forecast

Appendix 1 NG Hotspots

Appendix 2 Macro and Industry Policies (2024)        

Appendix 3 Methodology and Definition 

Appendix 4 Tables and Charts     

Appendix 5 Related Annual Report

2024-2025 China LNG Market Annual Report

Legal Statement       


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