Current Position: Homepage > 2024-2025 China PP Market Annual Report
Annual Report Overview


Global economic growth is stable and slow in 2024. Under the influence of frequent geopolitical conflicts and the continuous strengthening of trade protectionism, the uncertainty of economic development has intensified, and the phenomenon of global economic fragmentation has become increasingly prominent. Against this background, the high expectation for an economic recession in the overseas market has gradually shifted to the expectation for an interest rate reduction, while China’s domestic economy has also revived gradually on the back of further implementation of policy. The continuous replenishment overseas has propelled the inventory pile-up in China, reflecting an inventory cycle resonance effect between China and the U.S. In 2024, the polypropylene (PP) industry is encountering capacity expansion, and higher supply pressure contributes to production diversification, technological specialization and industrial scale development at PP producers, as well as constant export growth and diversification of export directions. At the same time, prices of PP feedstock stay high, which brings higher requirements to PP producers in cost reduction and efficiency improvement for cost-pressure alleviation. With the deep integration of PP products with construction, automobiles, furniture, home appliances and retail industries, the application scope of PP has been continuously expanded, and specific-purpose products have also developed rapidly. On the whole, PP supply is becoming more surplus in China, so the bargaining power of downstream plants is strengthened, and demand has become the focus of market attention. The hot topics of SCI’s industry research also tend to include supply & demand by specific PP categories and regions, in order to help clients to better grasp the changes in demand.

Relying on 20 years of industry analysis experience and combining macroeconomic environment and industry policies, the SCI PP research team will conduct a comprehensive and in-depth study of the evolution of global and China’s PP supply and demand in 2024, as well as the change in cost and gross profit, market competition, operator’s business operation and product structure. Meanwhile, SCI will deeply interpret the PP market drivers and logic behind them in detail and professionally from a comprehensive, in-depth and personalized interpretation perspective, to bring fresh value experience to customers.

Report value

1. To picture the change in global PP trade patterns, by analyzing global and China’s PP supply-demand patterns.

2. To present the recent 5-year China PP supply pattern variation involving capacity, output, operating rate and import data in various dimensions, as well as to make a comprehensive analysis of PP regional supply flow.

3. To show China’s domestic and overseas PP demand in detail based on analysis of downstream demand structure, regional distribution, demand peak and slack seasons change and key downstream industry operation index, combined with export price, arbitrage window and shipping cost.

4. To capture inventory cycle progress and clarify the PP price driver via tracking the inventory data at upstream producers, traders and downstream users.

5. To analyze industry competitive patterns and operator’s business conduct and find PP industry operation, relying on analysis of key purchase factors of downstream customers, operator business risk and business barrier.

6. To update you on the economic advantages and disadvantages of PP units from different feedstock sources, by comparing and analyzing the production cost and profit.


Part 1 PP Market Overview

Part 2 2020-2024 PP Supply and Demand Balance Analysis

2.1 2020-2024 PP Supply and Demand Balance Trend Analysis

2.2 2024 PP Monthly Supply and Demand Balance Characteristics and Balance-Price Relation Analysis

Part 3 PP Supply Pattern and Variation Trend Analysis

3.1 2024 Global PP Capacity, Output and Operating Rate Analysis

3.1.1 Global PP Capacity Layout

3.1.2 2024 Global PP Output and Operating Rate Analysis

3.1.3 2024 International PP Unit Maintenance Status

3.1.4 2024 Global PP Resource Flow Analysis

3.1.5 2025-2029 International Newly Constructed PP Capacity

3.2 2020-2024 China PP Capacity Analysis

3.2.1 China PP Capacity Change Analysis PP Capacity Development Trend Analysis PP Capacity Concentration Ratio Analysis

3.2.2 China PP Capacity Layout Analysis China PP Capacity Analysis by Region China PP Capacity Layout by Production Process China PP Capacity Layout by Feedstock Source China PP Capacity Layout by Company Nature

3.2.3 2024 China PP Resource Flow Analysis China Major PP Consumption Regions and Consumption Volume China Major PP Production Regions and Output China Major PP Resource Flow Characteristics and Influence

3.2.4 2025-2029 China Newly Constructed PP Capacity 2025-2029 China PP Capacity Forecast 2025-2029 Newly Constructed Capacity Research 2025 Newly Constructed Capacity Research

3.3 2020-2024 China PP Output Change Analysis

3.3.1 2020-2024 China PP Output China PP Annual Output Change and Utilization Rate China PP Annual Output Change by Region China PP Unit Maintenance Status

3.3.2 2024 China PP Production Characteristics and Reason Analysis 2024 China PP Monthly Output Change characteristics and influence Analysis

3.4 2020-2024 China PP Import Market Analysis

3.4.1 2020-2024 China PP Import Data Analysis China PP Import Volume Trend China PP Import Structure Analysis by Origin China PP Import Structure Analysis by Receipt Place and Trade Mode

3.4.2 2024 China PP Import Data Analysis China PP Monthly Import Volume and Characteristics Analysis 2024 Influence of Import on China PP Total Supply

3.5 2024 China PP Inventory Data Analysis

3.5.1 Overall PP Inventory Change and Trend Analysis PP Producer Inventory Data Analysis PP Trader Inventory Data Analysis PP Port Inventory Data Analysis PP Inventory and Price Relation Analysis

3.6 China PP Warehouse Logistics Status Analysis

3.7 2025-2029 China PP Supply Forecast

3.7.1 2025-2029 China PP Supply Volume Forecast

3.7.2 2025 China PP Monthly Supply Forecast and Expected Effect on Price

Part 4 PP Demand Pattern and Variation Trend Analysis

4.1 2020-2024 Global PP Consumption Volume Analysis

4.2 2020-2024 China PP Consumption Volume Analysis

4.2.1 China PP Annual Consumption Volume and Change Trend 2020-2024 China PP Consumption Structure Analysis by Industry 2020-2024 China PP Consumption Structure Analysis by Region

4.2.2 China Major PP Downstream Industry Consumption Volume Change and Characteristics 2024 Plastic Woven Industry Development and PP Application Analysis 2024 BOPP Film Industry Operation Data Analysis 2024 PP Injection Product Industry Operation Data Analysis 2024 Home Appliance Industry Operation Data Analysis 2024 Automobile Industry Operation Data Analysis

4.2.3 China Plastic Product Development Status

4.3 2020-2024 China PP Export Market Analysis

4.3.1 2020-2024 China PP Export Data Analysis China PP Export Volume Trend Analysis China PP Export Structure Analysis by Destination China PP Export Structure Analysis by Delivery Place and Trade Mode

4.3.2 2024 China PP Export Volume Analysis China PP Monthly Export Volume and Characteristics Analysis 2024 Influence of Export on China PP Total Demand

4.4 2025-2029 PP Demand Growth Forecast in Major Downstream Industry

4.4.1 Plastic Woven Market Scale Analysis and Demand Forecast

4.4.2 BOPP Market Scale Analysis and Demand Forecast

4.4.3 PP Demand Growth Forecast from Automobile Industry

4.5 2025-2029 PP Consumption Volume Forecast

4.6.1 China PP Consumption Volume Trend Forecast

4.6.2 China PP Export Volume Forecast

4.6 PP Downstream Demand Peak and Dull Seasons Analysis

4.7.1 China PP Demand Peak and Dull Seasons Characteristics Analysis

4.7.2 China PP Price Performance in Demand Peak and Dull Seasons

Part 5 PP Product Price Trend Analysis

5.1 2024 International PP Market Price Trend Analysis

5.1.1 China PP Price Change Characteristics in East Asia and Southeast Asia

5.1.2 China and Overseas PP Price Spread Change Characteristics and Influence

5.2 2024 China PP Market Price Analysis

5.2.1 China PP Price Change Characteristics Analysis China PP Overall Price Trend Characteristics Analysis China PP Price Characteristics and Arbitrage Analysis in Major Regions

5.2.2 China PP Price Seasonal Change Characteristics

5.3 Influence of PP Futures Price on Spot Price

5.3.1 PP Futures Price and Spot Price Comparison

5.3.2 PP Dominant Contract Futures Price and Spot Price Comparison

5.4 PP and Related Products Price Co-Movement and Substitutability Analysis

5.4.1 PP and Major Feedstock Price Co-Movement Analysis Crude Oil and PP Spot Price Co-Movement Analysis China Propylene and PP Spot Price Co-Movement Analysis

5.4.2 PP and Major Downstream Products Price Co-Movement Analysis

5.4.3 PP Granule and Related Products Substitutability Analysis PP Granule and PP Powder Substitutability Analysis PP Granule and Recycled PP Substitutability Analysis PP Granule and HDPE Substitutability Analysis in Injection Field

5.5 PP Industry Cost and Profit Analysis

5.5.1 PP Industry Costs Comparison by Different Production Processes

5.5.2 PP Industry Gross Profits and Related Influences Analysis PP Industry Gross Profit Trend and Characteristics Analysis Influence of Gross Profit Change on PP Production

Part 6 Industry Competitive Pattern and Operator Business Conduct Change Analysis

6.1 PP Industry Competitive Pattern Change and Trend Analysis

6.2 PP Industry Value Chain Analysis and Forecast

6.3 SCI Monitoring Enterprise Business Trend Analysis

6.4 PP Downstream Clients Procurement Key Factors Analysis

6.5 PP Operator Business Risks and Barriers Analysis

Part 7 PP Industry Development Forecast

7.1 2025-2027 PP Price Forecast

7.2 PP Price Drivers Forecast

7.2.1 Macro Environment Interpretation and Its Influence on PP Market

7.2.2 Influence of Industry Policy on PP Market

7.2.3 2025-2029 China PP Supply and Demand Balance Pattern Forecast 2025-2029 China PP Supply and Demand Balance Forecast 2025 China PP Monthly Supply and Demand Balance Forecast

7.2.4 2025-2029 Global and China PP Trade Flow Forecast and Influence Analysis Global PP Trade Flow Forecast and Influence Analysis China PP Trade Flow Forecast and Influence Analysis

7.2.5 PP and Major Feedstock Price Co-Movement Forecast Crude Oil and China PP Price Co-Movement Forecast Propylene and China PP Price Co-Movement Forecast Coal and China PP Price Co-Movement Forecast

7.2.6 PP and Substitute Price Co-Movement Analysis and Forecast

7.3 Influence of Major Price Drivers on 2025 China PP Market

Appendix 1 PP Industry Hotspots

Appendix 2 Macro Environment and Industry Policy in 2024

Appendix 3 Methodology and Related Definition     

Appendix 4 Tables, Charts and Enterprises

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