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Annual Report Overview


The capacity expansion of the ABS industry fell short of expectations in 2024. The escalated internal competition pressure, along with the rising capital investment risks, slowed the capacity commissioning down. Meanwhile, downstream demand grew slowly. Under the pressure of supply and demand imbalance, the profits of the ABS industry continued to shrink, and the production losses of general ABS material expanded. The industry’s prosperity was in a declining stage. With the weak recovery of the economies in Europe and the Americas as well as a series of favorable policies rolled out, such as China’s reserve requirement ratio cuts and interest rate cuts, the macro expectations tended to improve. Driven by the positive trend of commodity prices, the mainstream ABS market prices fluctuated higher from a low level this year. The increase in cost driving force coupled with phased improvement in supply and demand structure led to a better market recovery. In addition, the policy of expanding demand has been intensified to help consolidate the resilience of the Chinese economy. For example, the trade-in policy was introduced to leverage new growth in consumption from downstream home appliance and automobile sectors. Due to the delay in new ABS capacity commissioning and the impact of loss reduction strategies, producers cautiously controlled their actual output, providing some opportunities for fundamental repairs. Externally, the expectation of interest rate cuts in Europe and the Americas was strengthening, which had a certain positive impact on the commodity market. The transmission of ABS costs increased, but the breakthrough space was relatively limited due to weak improvement in fundamentals.

In the next five years, the ABS industry will continue to grow on a large scale, with China’s ABS capacity approaching 10 million mt per year. The industry capacity is rapidly expanding, and China’s domestic supply will become increasingly saturated. Will the ABS industry undergo a reshuffle in the future, and will the era of Red Sea competition come? Can the balance and changes of various forces bring new opportunities for the development of the industry? With many questions, the SCI 2024-2025 ABS Market Annual Report provides a comprehensive and detailed data analysis to sort out the new changes and characteristics of the industry landscape and predict the future development trend of the industry.

Report Value

(1) To comprehensively grasp the development trend of ABS supply and demand through supply-demand balance analysis

(2) To understand the driving logic of the ABS market across the entire industry chain via analysis of upstream and downstream development trends

(3) To analyze the important events and reasons for data changes from multiple dimensions

(4) To forecast the future market development logic and direction through multi-faceted and all-around market analysis





Part 1 ABS Market Overview

Part 2 2020-2024 ABS Supply-Demand Balance Analysis

Part 3 ABS Supply Pattern and Change Trend Analysis

3.1 2024 Global ABS Capacity Analysis

3.2 2020-2024 China ABS Capacity Change Analysis

3.2.1 China ABS Capacity Development Trend Analysis ABS Capacity Development Trend Analysis ABS Capacity Concentration Ratio Analysis ABS Existing Capacity Technology Structure Analysis ABS Existing Capacity (and Technology)

3.2.2 China ABS Capacity Regional Distribution Analysis ABS Regional Capacity Analysis ABS Coastal Capacity Analysis

3.2.3 2024 China ABS Resource Flow Analysis China ABS Main Production Areas and Output China ABS Resource Flow Feature and Influence

3.2.4 2025-2029 China Newly Added Capacity 2025-2029 China ABS Capacity Forecast 2025 Newly Added Capacity Research

3.3 2020-2024 China ABS Output Change Analysis

3.3.1 2020-2024 China ABS Output Analysis China ABS Annual Output Change Trend and Capacity Utilization Rate China ABS Annual Output Change by Region

3.3.2 2024 China ABS Production Feature and Reason Analysis 2024 ABS Monthly Output Change Feature and Influence 2024 ABS Production High-Frequency Data Feature

3.4 2020-2024 China ABS Import Market Analysis

3.4.1 2020-2024 China ABS Import Data Analysis China ABS Import Volume Trend Analysis China ABS Import Structure Analysis by Trade Partner China ABS Import Structure Analysis by Receipt & Delivery Place and Trade Mode

3.4.2 2024 China ABS Import Volume Change Analysis ABS Monthly Import Volume and Feature Analysis 2024 ABS Imports’ Impact on China’s Total Supply

3.5 2024 ABS Inventory Change Analysis

3.5.1 ABS Total Inventory Change and Trend Analysis

3.5.2 Analysis of the Relationship Between Inventory Change and Price

3.6 ABS Warehouse Logistics Status Analysis

3.7 2025-2029 China ABS Supply Forecast

3.7.1 2025-2029 Total Supply Forecast

3.7.2 2025 Monthly Supply Forecast and Impact Forecast on Price

Part 4 ABS Demand Pattern and Change Trend Analysis

4.1 2020-2024 China ABS Consumption Volume Change Trend Analysis

4.1.1 China ABS Annual Consumption Volume and Change Trend Analysis

4.1.2 China ABS Main Downstream Industry Consumption Volume Change and Feature Analysis

4.1.3 China ABS Downstream Industry Distribution and Regional Consumption Structure

4.1.4 China ABS Main Downstream Customer Scale and Demand Change Analysis

4.1.5 ABS Downstream Key Region Customer Scale Analysis

4.2 2020-2024 China ABS Export Market Analysis

4.2.1 2020-2024 China Export Data Analysis China ABS Export Volume Trend Analysis 2024 China ABS Export Structure Analysis by Trade Partner 2024 China ABS Export Structure Analysis by Receipt & Delivery Place and Trade Mode

4.2.2 2024 China ABS Export Volume Change Analysis ABS Monthly Export Volume and Feature Analysis 2024 ABS Exports’ Impacts on China’s Total Demand

4.3 2025-2029 ABS Downstream Industry Demand Growth Forecast

4.4 2025-2029 ABS Demand Volume Forecast

4.4.1 China ABS Consumption Volume Change Trend Analysis

4.4.2 ABS Export Volume Change Trend Analysis

4.5 ABS Demand Peak and Slack Seasons Analysis

4.5.1 ABS Demand Peak and Slack Seasons Feature Analysis

4.5.2 ABS Demand Peak and Slack Seasons from the Price Perspective

Part 5 China ABS Price Trend Analysis

5.1 China ABS Market Price Analysis

5.1.1 ABS Price Change Feature General Price Trend Feature Analysis Main Regional Price Feature Analysis

5.1.2 2024 Annual ABS Price Trend Seasonal Feature

5.2 Related Product Price Co-Movement Analysis

5.2.1 ABS and Main Feedstock Styrene Price Co-Movement Analysis

5.2.2 ABS and Related Product Price Co-Movement Analysis

5.3 ABS Cost and Profit Analysis

5.3.1 ABS Cost Structure and Feature Analysis ABS Cost Composition and Change Analysis Regional Cost Difference Analysis

5.3.2 ABS Profit Change and Impact Analysis ABS Profit Trend and Feature Analysis Impact of Profit Change on Producers’ Production

Part 6 Industry Competition Pattern and Operator Behavior Change Analysis

6.1 ABS Industry Competition Pattern Change and Trend Analysis

6.2 Value Chain Analysis and Forecast

6.3 SCI Monitored Enterprise Business Trend Analysis

6.4 Downstream Procurement Key Factors Analysis

6.5 Operation Risk and Barrier Analysis

Part 7 ABS Industry Outlook

7.1 2025-2027 ABS Price Forecast

7.2 ABS Price Driver Analysis and Forecast

7.2.1 Marco Economy’s Influence on ABS Market

7.2.2 Industrial Policy’s Influence on ABS Market

7.2.3 2025-2029 China ABS Supply and Demand Balance Forecast 2025-2029 China ABS Supply and Demand Balance Trend and Feature Forecast 2025 Supply and Demand Balance Forecast

7.2.4 2025-2029 ABS Resource Trade Flow Forecast and Impact Analysis 2025-2029 Global ABS Trade Flow Forecast and Impact Analysis 2025-2029 China ABS Trade Flow Forecast and Impact Analysis

7.2.5 Related Product Price Co-Movement Impact Forecast

7.3 Impact of Main Drivers on 2025 ABS Price

Appendix 1 ABS Industry Highlights

Appendix 2 2024 Summary of Macro and Industry Policies

Appendix 3 Methodology and Related Definition

Appendix 4 Tables, Charts and Enterprises

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