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Annual Report Overview


In 2024, economic growth is expected to slow down as many challenges and uncertainties still exist, despite some improvements in the global economic situation. Against this macro backdrop, the environment faced by the PE industry has become more complex. High international crude oil prices have led to increased production costs for producers, so they witnessed more frequent operational shutdowns. Moreover, the intensive maintenance period for domestic petrochemical units started earlier than in previous years, with the output loss reaching a near decade-high, resulting in temporary shortage of PE resources and thereby driving continuous increases in prices. However, the recovery of end demand did not meet expectations, and export orders were reduced, so the demand for PE was still sluggish. With the reduction in both supply and demand, PE prices rose to a high of H1 of 2024 in Q2, which broke the seasonal law. Currently, although China’s economic environment is steadily improving, issues such as structural overcapacity and increased competition pressure among products may become more severe with further expansion of PE capacity. How will the supply pattern of PE change over the next five years? How will the demand in various downstream fields evolve? What will be the inter-regional goods flow dynamics?

By continuously tracking the development of the industry and market changes and relying on 20 years of industry analysis experience, SCI monitors the whole process from supply to demand, from upstream to downstream, from global to China, from major production regions to consumption regions as well as trade flow and seasonality, changes in the supply and demand of high-end special materials, and changes in subdivided downstream industries. Based on the massive data and scientific analysis model, SCI constantly granulates the data and deeply interprets the driving factors of the PE market, aiming to present customers with a comprehensive and fresh perspective on the forward-looking value.

Report value

1. To show the characteristics of global PE trade patterns and flow based on the analysis of PE supply and demand patterns in the globe and China.

2. To display the trends of China’s PE supply pattern and trade flow through the detailed analysis of LDPE/LLDPE/HDPE and UHMWPE supply data, based on multi-dimensional view of capacity, output, operating rate, import and export data in the recent 5 years.

3. To reveal the change trends of China’s PE imports and exports based on China’s PE import and export data by trading partner, trade mode and enterprise registration place.

4. To clearly present the PE demand distribution for market participants through the analysis of PE demand structure, layout and detailed LDPE/LLDPE/HDPE demand structure.

5. To discover future demand growth opportunities by analyzing key downstream industries and to grasp the key downstream procurement factors by combining the peak and slack demand seasons as well as procurement factors of end users.

6. To clarify the market price drivers by continuously tracking upstream, midstream and downstream inventory data.

7. To point out the direction of feedstock selection for new entrants by analyzing the cost and gross profit of each production technology and assessing business operation.


Part 1 PE Market Overview

Part 2 2020-2024 PE Supply-Demand Balance Analysis

2.1 2020-2024 PE Supply-Demand Balance Trend Analysis

2.2 2024 PE Monthly Supply-Demand Balance Characteristics and Its Relationship with Price

Part 3 PE Supply Pattern and Change Analysis

3.1 2020-2024 Global PE Capacity and Output Analysis

3.1.1 Global PE Capacity Layout

3.1.2 2024 Global PE Trade Flow

3.1.3 2024 Global PE Unit Maintenance

3.1.4 2025 Global PE Capacity and Output Forecast

3.2 2020-2024 China PE Capacity Change Analysis

3.2.1 China PE Capacity Development Trend Analysis PE Capacity Development Trend Analysis PE Capacity Concentration Ratio Analysis

3.2.2 China PE Capacity Layout Analysis China PE Regional Capacity Analysis China PE Capacity Proportion by Feedstock China PE Capacity Proportion by Enterprise Nature

3.2.3 2024 China PE Trade Flow Analysis China PE Major Consumption Area, Demand and Source China PE Major Production Area, Output and Outflow China PE Trade Flow Characteristics and Influences

3.2.4 2025-2029 China Newly Added PE Capacity 2025-2029 China PE Capacity Forecast 2025-2029 China Newly Added PE Capacity Table

3.3 2020-2024 China PE Output Change Analysis

3.3.1 2020-2024 China PE Output China PE Annual Output Change and Operating Rate China PE Annual Output Change by Region

3.3.2 2024 China PE Production Characteristics and Reason Analysis 2024 China PE Monthly Output Change Characteristics and Influence Analysis 2024 China PE Unit Maintenance

3.4 2020-2024 China UHMWPE Supply Change Analysis

3.4.1 China UHMWPE Capacity Change Analysis

3.4.2 China UHMWPE Output Change Analysis

3.4.3 2024 China UHMWPE Capacity and Output Change Analysis

3.5 2020-2024 China PE Import Market Analysis

3.5.1 2020-2024 China PE Import Data Analysis China PE Import Volume Analysis China PE Import Structure Analysis by Trading Partner China PE Import Structure Analysis by Trade Mode China PE Import Structure Analysis by Enterprise Registration Place

3.5.2 2024 China PE Monthly Import Volume Change and Characteristics Analysis

3.6 2024 PE Inventory Change Analysis

3.6.1 PE Inventory Change and Trend Analysis PE Inventory at Producers Naphtha-Based PE Inventory at Producers Coal-Based PE Inventory at Producers PE Inventory at Traders PE Inventory at Ports

3.6.2 PE Inventory Change and Its Relationship with Price

3.7 PE Warehouse and Logistics Status Analysis

3.8 2025-2029 China PE Market Supply Forecast

3.8.1 2025-2029 PE Total Supply Volume Forecast

3.8.2 2025 PE Monthly Supply Forecast and Influences on Price

Part 4 PE Demand Pattern and Change Analysis 

4.1 2020-2024 Global PE Demand Structure Change Analysis

4.2 2020-2024 China PE Consumption Volume Change Analysis

4.2.1 China PE Consumption Volume Change and Characteristics Analysis

4.2.2 China PE Downstream Structure Analysis by Industry

4.2.3 China PE Downstream Consumption Structure Analysis by Region

4.2.4 China UHMWPE Demand Analysis

4.3 2024 PE Downstream Industry Change Analysis

4.3.1 2024 China Plastic Product Industry Development Status Packaging Film Industry Change Analysis Agricultural Film Industry Change Analysis Injection Industry Change Analysis Blow Molding Industry Change Analysis Pipe Industry Change Analysis Wire and Cable Industry Change Analysis Rotational Molding Industry Change Analysis

4.4 2020-2024 China PE Export Market Analysis

4.4.1 2020-2024 China PE Export Data Analysis China PE Export Volume Analysis 2024 China PE Export Structure Analysis by Trading Partner 2024 China PE Export Structure Analysis by Trade Mode 2024 China PE Export Structure Analysis by Enterprise Registration Place

4.4.2 2024 China PE Export Volume Change and Characteristics Analysis

4.5 2025-2029 PE Major Downstream Industry Demand Growth Forecast

4.6 2025-2029 PE Demand Volume Forecast

4.6.1 China Demand Volume Change Analysis

4.6.2 Export Volume Change Analysis

4.7 PE Demand Slack and Peak Seasons Analysis

4.7.1 PE Demand Slack and Peak Seasons Characteristics Analysis

4.7.2 PE Demand Slack and Peak Seasons Analysis from Price Perspective

Part 5 PE Price Trend Analysis

5.1 China PE Market Price Analysis

5.1.1 Price Change Characteristics Analysis

5.1.2 Price Characteristics in Major Regions

5.1.3 2024 Price Trend Aligned with Seasonal Pattern

5.2 PE Futures Price Impact on Spot Market

5.3 Related Product Price Co-Movement Analysis

5.3.1 PE and Major Feedstock Price Co-Movement Analysis Crude Oil Ethylene

5.3.2 PE and Major Downstream Product Price Co-Movement Analysis PE and Agricultural Film Price Co-Movement Analysis PE and Stretch Film Price Co-Movement Analysis

5.3.3 PE and Related Product Price Co-Movement Analysis Virgin PE and Recycled PE Price Co-Movement Analysis China-Origin PE and Imported PE Price Spread Analysis

5.4 PE Production Cost and Gross Profit Analysis

5.4.1 PE Production Cost Comparative Analysis by Different Production Technologies

5.4.2 PE Gross Profit Change and Impact Analysis PE Gross Profit Trend and Characteristics Analysis Impacts of Gross Profit Change on Enterprise Production

Part 6 Industry Competitive Landscape and Operator Behavior Change Analysis

6.1 PE Industry Competitive Landscape Change and Trend Analysis

6.2 Value Chain Analysis and Forecast

6.3 SCI Monitoring Enterprise Operation Trend Analysis

6.4 Downstream User Key Procurement Factors Analysis

6.5 Operator Operation Risk and Barrier Analysis

Part 7 PE Market Outlook

7.1 2025-2027 PE Price Trend Forecast

7.2 PE Price Driver Forecast

7.2.1 Macro Environment and Industry Policy Analysis

7.2.2 2025-2029 China PE Supply-Demand Balance Forecast 2025-2029 China PE Supply-Demand Balance Trend and Characteristics Forecast 2025 China PE Monthly Supply-Demand Balance Forecast

7.2.3 2025-2029 Domestic and International PE Trade Flow Forecast and Impact Analysis 2025-2029 Global PE Trade Flow Forecast and Impact Analysis 2025-2029 China PE Trade Flow Forecast and Impact Analysis SCI Monitoring Enterprise Business Trend Analysis

7.2.4 Major Feedstock Price Co-Movement Forecast Crude Oil Ethylene

7.3 Influence of Major Price Drivers on 2025 China PE Market

Appendix 1 PE Industry Annual Events     

Appendix 2 Macro and Industry Policy Highlights (2024) 

Appendix 3 Methodology and Related Definition

3.1 Data Collection and Calculation Methodology  

3.2 Forecasting Model Interpretation

3.3 Definition and Abbreviation

Appendix 4 Tables and Charts

Appendix 5 Related Annual Reports 

2024-2025 China Ethylene Market Annual Report

2024-2025 China LDPE Market Annual Report

2024-2025 China HDPE Market Annual Report

2024-2025 China LLDPE Market Annual Report

2024-2025 China EVA Market Annual Report

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